Part 7 Testing React Applications – Refactor duplicate code

Hi, when we have duplicated code in our test cases we can refactor the duplicated code using some existing methods with Jest.

So in our test suite we have multiple test cases that have this line as repeated line

const component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />)

So we can use the beforeEach and afterEach functions of Jest, so we can declare our repeated line of code inside the beforeEach this means that all the lines inside the beforeEach will be executed first and then all the test cases.

  // 1 Individual Test case
  it("should render 1 <Todo /> component", () => {
    // shallow() method is from Enzyme
    const component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />);

    // Assertions...

  // 2 Individual Test Case
  it("should render props correctly", () => {

    // Using shallow from enzyme and passing all the props to the component
    const component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />)

    // Assertions....

  // 3 Individual Test case
  it("should set props correctly", () => {
    const component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />);

So we can delete all the const component …line and insert this line into the beforeEach like this:

  // Repeated code
  let component;
  beforeEach(() => {
    component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />);

Nice, now I’m going to copy all the code with the refactor

// Dependencies
import React from 'react'

// Components
import Todo from './Todo';

// Enzyme Dependencies
import Enzyme, { configure, shallow, mount } from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

// Creating adapter with Enzyme
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

/** Test suites **/
// First (1) test suite
describe("<Todo /> component Unit Tests", () => {
  // jest.fn() is from Jest to simulate an onClick
  const mockFn = jest.fn();

  // Initializing the props of the component
  const initialProps = {
    onClick: mockFn,
    completed: false,
    text: "do laundry"

  // Repeated code
  let component;
  beforeEach(() => {
    component = shallow(<Todo {...initialProps} />);

  // 1 Individual Test case
  it("should render 1 <Todo /> component", () => {
    // Assertions
    expect(component).toHaveLength(1); // component is from Enzyme, expect(), toHaveLength() and toEqual() are from Jest
    expect(component.find("li")).toHaveLength(1); // component.find() is from Enzyme
    expect(component.props().children).toEqual("do laundry"); // component.props().children is from Enzyme

  // 2 Individual Test Case
  it("should render props correctly", () => {
    // To know the component props

    // Assertions
    expect(component.props().children).toEqual("do laundry");

  // 3 Individual Test case
  it("should set props correctly", () => {
    // Changing the prop value
    component.setProps({ text: "hola" });

    // Assertions

  // 4 Individual Test case
  it("should call onClick handler when todo component is clicked", () => {
    // Simulating onClick method
    component.simulate("click"); // First click on the component
    component.simulate("click"); // second click on the component

    // Assertions
    expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // expect(), mockFn and toHaveBeenCalledTimes are from Jest


By Cristina Rojas.

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