Hi, async / await is part of ES8 and is a different way to write an Asynchronous function that return a Promise and make the things easy and nice to follow, this new wa…
Hi, ES5 natively supports 2 patterns for write Asynchronous code, that is, the event pattern and the callback pattern, but in ES6 we have a new pattern for write Asynchr…
Hi, by definition a Callback is a function that is to be executed after another function has finished executing, hence the name “call back” and callbacks are great way t…
Hi, the Javascript run-time environment is included in the browsers and they have extra things: the Javascript Engine, Web API, Callback Queue and Event loop.
Hi, now we know about the call stack and memory heap, but sometime we will find the definition of stack overflow (not the web site), let me explain what cause the “stack…
Hi, One important thing that we need to learn about Javascript code is how Javascript code is executed.
Every browser implement a Javascript engine and this engine re…