GraphQL course defining a schema

Im going to expose an API over HTTP that is the most common way to use GraphQL and we are going to use Apollo server that is a project that makes easy to setup a GraphQL server in Javascript with Nodejs.

In our terminal let’s install apollo-server and graphql, so the graphql package contains the graph core functionality & apollo server is for serving over HTTP.

Then let’s create our server configuration:

First we are going to create a schema that will describe what our API can do, so we are going to keep it in a variable called typeDef and inside we are going to use a special language called the GraphQL schema definition language:

const typeDefs = `
    type Query {
        greeting: String

In Schema we always need a schema type that contains all possible queries that can be make by a client when calling the server.

So, now we can parse the schema using the function called gql that is coming from the apollo-server module.

gql is a type function that means that we can use it to tag a template literal, in other words we put gql before the delimiter string.

const { gql } = require("apollo-server");

const typeDefs = gql`

Now I’m going to console the typeDef & run node server.js in the terminal to check what this variable have


So, the string that at we wrote at the beginning now was parse into some type of object that represent the GraphQL schema.

Also if we have a mistake when we write our schema, for example if instead of type we wrote class, then the gql function will fail when parse:

Then gql will said:

Nice, so now we have our schema definition ready.

Final server.js file

const { gql } = require("apollo-server");

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    greeting: String


By Cristina Rojas.