ES6 – The return & throw methods in a generator function

Hi, every time that we need to end a generator function before it has yielded all the values we can use the return( ) method that if of the generator object.

so, the return() method takes an optional argument, representing the final value to return, check this next examle:

function* my_generator_function() {
  yield 100;
  yield 200;
  yield 300;

let generator = my_generator_function();

console.log("value --->",;
console.log("value --->", generator.return(500).value);
console.log("value --->",;


The throw() method

We can pass an exception to the throw() method that we want to throw.

function* my_generator_function() {
  try {
    yield 100;
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("1 Exception");

  try {
    yield 200;
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("2 Exception");

let generator = my_generator_function();

console.log("value --->",;
console.log("value --->", generator.throw("exception string").value);
console.log("value --->", generator.throw("exception string").done);


By Cristina Rojas.