Minimum swaps for Parentheses balancing – JS

Parentheses strings are strings containing only the characters ‘(‘ and ‘)’.
A parentheses string is considered balanced when its opening parentheses align with its closing parentheses.

For example, “()()” and “(()())” are balanced parentheses strings
while “)(“, “())(” are not.

Given a string consisting of the same number of opening and closing parentheses, determine the minimum number of character swaps required to make the string a balanced parentheses string.

const minSwaps = (str) => {
  const pharenteses = str.split(''); // Converting into an array
  let total = pharenteses.length - 1; // To go from end to start
  let pair = ''; // to concatenate first position and last position
  let swaps = 0; // to count the number of swaps

  // Go through every position of the array
  for (let i = 0; i < pharenteses.length; i++) {

    // Condition (start position < last position)
    if (i < total) {
      // Concatenating first and last position of the array
      pair = pharenteses[i] + pharenteses[total]; // string

      // If the pair is different to ()
      if (pair !== '()') {
        // Increment the swaps

      // Decrement total

  // Returning the swaps
  return swaps


