JS Computed property names in Objects

Hi, there is a way to allow any property names and variables in object properties names.

Computed properties in an object is called when we insert brackets [ ] inside the object to declare property names, see this next example:

const propertyName = 'firstName';

let myObject = {
  [propertyName] : 'Cristina', // This is a computed property and the name of this property will be the value of the const
  lastName: 'Rojas'

console.log('myObject --->', myObject)


Also we can concatenate more things (variables, strings) inside the [ ] if we need it:

const propertyName = "first";

let myObject = {
  [propertyName + "Name" + "User"]: "Cristina", // This is a computed property and the name of this property will be the value of the const and also the concatenation
  lastName: "Rojas",

console.log("myObject --->", myObject);


Ok, this way of write property names can be implemented in objects that are more complex, like for example: if we need to create property names depending of some given name.

function makeUserObject(propertyName, propertyValue) {
  let userObject = {};

  userObject[propertyName] = propertyValue;

  return userObject;

makeUserObject("firstName", "Cristina");


Also we can use the object literal notation for the same example and is more shorted:

function makeUserObject(propertyName, propertyValue) {
  return {
    [propertyName]: propertyValue,

makeUserObject("firstName", "Cristina");

Note: for this way you are going to use “:” instead of “=” to assign the values.


Nice, in ES6 we can add the properties with the computed name while creating the objects:

let myObject = {
  ["first" + "Name" + "User"] : "Cristina"

console.log(' value of the computed property  --->', myObject["first" + "Name" + "User"])


By Cristina Rojas.