Creating a custom component – React fundamentals
Hi, this post contains a quick explanation of how a custom component work in React.
So, components are basically functions which return something that is “renderable” (more React elements, strings, null
, numbers, etc.)
In this example we are going to reduce this DOM creating a function that help us to do this.
<div class="container">
<div class="message">Hello World</div>
<div class="message">Goodbye World</div>
The function need to accept an object as a parameter with children property and this function will return the React element.
const message = props => {
return <div className="message">{props.children}</div>
Then we can call this function in our JSX (like an expression using the { }):
<div className="container">
{message({children: 'Hello World'})}
{message({children: 'Goodbye World'})}
Nice, the result is:
Cool, now in the function parameter (prop) we can “destructure” that prop and get just the children property like this:
const message = ({children}) => {
return <div className="message">{children}</div>
When we use custom components (functions) this code made the entire app more readable and also less code is written.
By Cristina Rojas.