Today I have the honor to present the 3rd book of my husband Carlos Santana, the book name is "React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices - Third Edition".
Hi, the custom hooks let us to extract component logic into reusable functions and this are normal JS functions that can use other hooks inside of it.
Hi, In this post I will explain about useCallback of React, and for this example we have a Parent component and Child component and we pass a function that get data from…
Hi, is important to know how can we increment performance in our components that lives in a React application, I have a post where I made mention of react "memo" well th…
Hi, If we are working with functional components and the props of that component never change then also the input of this component will never change, we can say that th…
Hi, as we know the React hooks are new additions to React version 16.8, and hooks help us to use a state and other features without write a class.
What exactly …
How can I add performance to my component when I’m using useEffect hook?
Well, we can tell react to skip applying an effect if certain values haven’t changed between …
Effects with cleanup
Some effect required cleanup, like set up subscriptions to some external data source, well in this point we need to do a clean up, because w…